Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

Goddess Gabriella and her friends wanted to make sure this guy learned that it was not good to be insincere. That is why they chose to dominate him with their high heels. They did not care what he felt and were only concerned with the things that he did. He was forced to lick their heels and to endure being trampled by muddy shoes which some of the mistresses had.

This slave had an issue staying in his lane. He did not know his place and he often thought that he was equal to the mistress. She had to punish him and she did so using her muddy boots. The mistress had to make sure that he licked them clean and when he was done, he had to do the same thing to her friend's boots. He knew his place from then on.

When this mistress noticed that her slave was unethical, she had to act and act fast. That is why she quickly used her muddy shoes to punish him. It was a cruel affair and the mistress had to ensure that the guy licked them clean. When he was done, she told him that next time, she would not be as lenient as she had been with him. He never messed with her again after that.

Mistress Gaia had endured a lot from her slave and she felt that it was time for her to get back at him and make sure that he stopped all the nonsense she saw from him. The mistress turned him into a muddy shoes licker and he had to lick the mud off the shoes. It had to be as clean as she wanted it before she was done with him.

Mistress Jane does not like to repeat herself. When she decides on something, she does not look back. That is what she wanted to be done today and she turned her slave girl into a mud licker. She took the slave to the toilet and not only made her lick the toilet bowl, but she had to also lick her mud and her muddy feet too. She learned her lesson the hard way.

Madame Marissa had an issue with her driver. He had messed up badly and she was not going to let it slide. That is why she had to punish him and she did it in a way he never expected. He was forced to lick her muddy shoes and there was no negotiation about it. He had to do it or else get a worse punishment than licking her shoes.

Mistress Natasha had a score to settle with this guy and she ensured that it was settled using her muddy shoes. She did not care what he would feel and how humiliating it was for him. All that mattered to her was that she did and settled her score with him. So the guy was made to lick her soles and to endure the humiliation of it all as he did not have a choice.

Lady Scarlet wanted to make this vile old man learn a lesson he would never forget. That is why she opted to use her muddy shoes to do it. The poor guy had thought that his age would be insurance against him being dominated. But the mistress did not care and instead she kicked him on the face and had him lick the muddy shoes until they were clean.

Lady Shay is the kind of person who knows how to dominate. Today she wanted to scare the shit out of this guy and she did it with her muddy shoes. The mistress knew that the guy was a coward so she told him that she would trample him with her muddy boots and make him lick them clean. So he got scared and he begged her not to punish him.

Mistress Dula and her friend wanted to put this guy in his place. That is why they specifically chose to use muddy shoes because they knew he did not expect it. He was made to strip naked and the mistresses then had him lick their muddy soles. He was threatened with trampling if he did not lick the soles clean so he did it to avoid the pain of being trampled.

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