Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

Mistress Alice had an emergency and she needed a lot of money. She did not want to borrow money when this guy had her money. So she took him to the woods and she forced him to give her the money that she wanted from him. The mistress shocked him by forcing him to lick her muddy shoes and also trampling him cruelly. He gave her the money that day.

Mistress Zora found out that her slave was not easy to tell something as he did not listen. She had to teach him to listen and to take instructions. So the mistress did this by forcing him to lick her muddy shoes. He was humiliated and dominated but he learned his lesson the hard way and he did what she asked him to. He never messed again as he knew what would happen.

Lady Scarlet and lady Selly did not like how this guy tried to make them conform to his standards yet he was merely their neighbor. They told him to mind his business but he did not seem like he wanted to. So the mistresses saw it fit to torture him a little and they used their muddy boots to do it. He had to lick them clean and he never bothered them again.

Lady Karame did not want to have a nudist slave in her house and she warned him about his tendency to be nude in the house. She was not happy with that and she chose to dominate him as cruelly as she was able to. The mistress used her muddy shoes to dominate him and she did it when she caught him naked in her house. He never did it again.

Mistress Nicole and mistress Lana wanted to have some little fun and they felt that the best way to do it was to go for a picnic. But the guy was not as fun as they had thought he was. They were so bored that the only thing that remained for them to do was to humiliate for their own fun and that is exactly what the mistresses did to him.

This mistress and her husband had had a disagreement about his need to work out and today on their way home from work, she stopped the car and she punished him because even the doctor they had seen had told them that he had to work out for the sake of his health. She trampled him and had him lick her boots so that he knew he had no choice but to work out.

Mistress Iside did not like the way her new slave behaved and she felt that it was inevitable for her to punish him. She did not want to let him get away with what he had done and that is why she chose to use her muddy boots to punish him. He got a taste of her muddy boots and he knew he would never mess up again as he did not want to be made to do such things again.

Mistress Nicole, mistress Selena and mistress Mia wanted to punish this guy but they felt that they wanted to handle it in a different manner. The mistresses used their muddy shoes to do the punishing. They just dangled their boots and the slave had to lick the mud off the boots. He thought they were joking but he was shocked to find out that they were very serious about it.

Mistress Gaia and her friend had an issue with their slaves. They had sort of ganged up to strike as they felt they were not being treated well. The mistresses were shocked as their slaves were the best treated. So they chose to show them the real meaning of not bring treated well. The mistresses shocked them by caging them as well as making them lick their muddy shoes for fun.

Mistress Lisa and Eva wanted to try a new way of cleaning their shoes. They had been doing it the normal way but that was so boring and it made their hands dirty and wet. So they tried using this loser to lick their feet. He had no choice but to do it the way the mistresses wanted him to do it even though it was his first time doing it.

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