Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

All articles tagged with "Shoe Slave"

Mistresses Courtney and mistress Suzanna are the kind of people you do not need to mess with if you know what is good for you. These mistresses love to torture and they use any slight reason to torture someone and teach them a lesson they will never forget. And that is what happened to this loser as he was forced to endure being stomped and crushed using muddy shoes.

Mistress Tiffany was exasperated because she felt like her slave did not understand her. Or if he understood her, he ignored her. The mistress wanted to punish him and make sure that he understood all she said and he acted on the what she told him. So she used her muddy shoes to do it. She forced him to lick the muddy boots and that served as a lesson to him.

Goddess Chanel had a new slave and she wanted to find out how obedient the slave was. So she gave him a test and she wanted to find out whether he would pass. She used her muddy shoes to do it. He was supposed to lick them clean. He looked at her with no expression on her face and he chose to lick them as opposed to pissing her off.

Lady Karame wanted to try things she had seen other mistresses do. She had been fed up with her incompetent slave and she wanted to do something about it. She felt using him as a shoe cleaner was the best way to try it out. So she came home with muddy shoes and she got him to clean them. He had no choice but to lick them until she was satisfied.

Mistress Helen did not want this tenant to continue being a pain in the ass for her. She had been more than understanding to him but he was taking advantage of it and she did not like it. The mistress felt that things had to be done right and she used her muddy shoes to trample him. He also had to lick the muddy soles and he learned his lesson.

Mistress Alice is a vengeful person and this guy did not know that. He was looking out for his interests but he ended up pissing her off and that meant she had to revenge. She did it in a cruel way by using her muddy shoes to torture him. She had him lick the muddy soles and she used the same heels to crush and trample his hands and fingers painfully.

Madame Marissa did not like how proud this girl was. She tried her best to avoid the girl but today their paths crossed and she could not stand how proud she was. The mistress had to punish her and take her pride down a notch. The mistress forced the girl to lick the soles of her muddy shoes. It was not optional and the girl for the first time got the humiliations he deserved.

Madame Marissa purposefully made her feet muddy. The mistress did this so that she could use her feet to dominate and to degrade her slave for messing up. Once her feet were sufficiently muddy, she summoned the slave and she forced him to lick her feet. He licked them as well as she wanted and within a few minutes, her feet were as clean as she wanted them to be.

Goddess Nika was new to domination and torture. She was not comfortable doing the crazy things she had seen other mistresses do. So she sought to start in a small way. And this she did by using her boots to stomp on this loser. She made sure the boots were dirty before she asked him to lick them and then used them to trample and make him dirty. It was a good start for her and she planned to build on it.

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