Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

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Mistress Iside did not like the way her new slave behaved and she felt that it was inevitable for her to punish him. She did not want to let him get away with what he had done and that is why she chose to use her muddy boots to punish him. He got a taste of her muddy boots and he knew he would never mess up again as he did not want to be made to do such things again.

Madame Marissa came home with muddy shoes and she used them to humiliate and punish her slave. She did not want to use pain to do it as she felt he had not reached the level of being punished by pain. So the mistress made him lick her mud from both her soles as well as from where she had stepped on. It worked as well as she wanted it to.

Lady Scarlet was dirt broke and she knew that if she showed any weakness, her landlord would chase him out of her house like a dog. So she told him that he had been looking at her suggestively and he had violated her. As he protested, she used her muddy shoes to scare him as he was made to lick them. Then she told him that as a result, she would not pay that month's rent. He did not object.

This mechanic was asked to repair this car and he said he would but he did not repair it to their expectations. They were disappointed in him and they had to make him redo the work this time to their expectations. And in the same vein, he was forced to lick their muddy shoes so that he learned his lesson. The mistresses only stopped when they felt tired of trampling him.

These mistresses were ready to lose their jobs but they had to make sure their boss learned his lesson. He was a bad boss and he picked on them. They wanted to make him realize that they would not tolerate it anymore so they lured him to the woods where he was forced to lick their sneakers and to endure painful trampling from the mistresses. He became afraid of them and did not victimize them.

Given that her slave had messed up, this mistress knew that she had found someone to clean her shoes. It was not part of her slave's job description but she knew that he had to do it because he had pissed her off. So the mistress forced him to lick them clean and he had to do the same to the soles as well. He felt like puking but could not.

For madame Marissa, revenge is a dish best served cold. And that is what she did as she humiliated and dominated the loser who had pissed her off and done somethings that she did not like. So she went to his place with her muddy shoes and she used them to humiliate him. He had to lick them clean in order to avoid being trampled and crushed with the same boots.

Lady Karame wanted to scare her slave and she did it using her gumboots. The mistress felt that the loser was growing too big for his shoes and he was getting funny ideas in his head. She had to put an end to that nonsense and so she made her boots muddy and then she told him he will have to lick them if he pissed her off again. He tried his best never to.

Madame Marissa does not like mean people. And when she came across one today, she chose to make him do things her way. The mistress felt that the best way to change him and make him stop being mean was to associate meanness with pain and humiliation. So the mistress forced the mean guy to lick her muddy boots and she stomped him to make sure he felt the pain and the humiliation.

Mistress Natasha was shocked that her slave had disobeyed a direct order and she knew she was not going to let him get away with that behavior as he would never listen to anything she told him. So the mistress got him to lick her muddy shoes as punishment for his disobedience and he had to learn his lesson the hard and he never disobeyed her as he knew what would happen.

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