Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

All articles tagged with "Mud Punishment"

This guy thought he was old and he could get away with anything he did. He had tried it and it worked for him but today it did not. This mistress did not care about his age. All she knew was that he had to be punished and so she did what she felt was the best thing for her to do. She knew she could not beat him up so she used her muddy boots to punish him by making him lick them clean.

Mistress Tiffany had tried to talk to her slave and make him see her point but he did not. It got to a point that she got pissed and she had to make him see her point whether he liked it or not. And that is how the mistress got himself wading through mud with her bare feet and she went back to her slave and she made him lick her clean to drive the point home.

Mistress Natasha likes to come up with different and random punishments. That is what she did today as she chose to use mud to send a message to her slave. He had not been good at following instructions and she used her muddy shoes to make him understand that she was not going to put up with his nonsense any longer. He toed the line after that humiliating punishment from her.

It had rained and since mistress Tiffany did not have much to do and nowhere to go, she chose to go for a walk. The mistress wore her gumboots and she went to the woods where she knew she would find muddy patches where she would enjoy wading in mud. It was a lot of fun for her as she made her boots dirty and slid in the mud before she returned home.

Lady Alice had had enough of her slave and she wanted this to be the ultimate punishment so that he did not mess with her or disobey her any time soon. So she got her shoes muddy and then she used them to punish him. She forced him to lick them and he had no choice but to do it. And he had to do it as well as if he had washed them.

Mistress Bertie used mud to punish this loser. She filled his body from his head to his toes with mud and then she got him to lick the one on her boots. He did not believe she could do that to him and when she did, he tried to beg her not to do it but she did. She did it slowly to make sure the punishment and the humiliation was maximum.

Mistress Anfisa wanted this loser to get some sense in his head and that is why she used her muddy shoes to dominate and to torture him. She had a great time torturing him and she ignored how humiliating it was for him. He tried to beg her but she did not listen to him. She ignored him and made him lick the boots until they were as clean as if they had been washed.

Mistress Natasha found her boyfriend being cozy with other girls and she did not like it. She had to punish him so that he never did that again as it would lead to him cheating. So she forced him to lick her muddy shoes. And it was not optional for him to do so. He regretted what he had done and told her he had learned his lesson and would not do it again.

This mistress was stressed and when she is stressed, she likes to go for a walk as well as to smoke. So she went out for a smoke and a walk. She was better when she came back to the house. But her boyfriend pissed her off again and she took out her stress on him. The angry mistress did this by forcing her boyfriend to lick her muddy shoes.

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