Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

All articles tagged with "Mud Punishment"

Mistress Nicole had a big problem with her slave because she felt that he was being irresponsible and that was not ok with her. She had to teach the guy a lesson and so she used her muddy shoes to do it. He was made to lick them and also to endure being trampled by them. He never messed with her again as he knew what to expect from the mistress.

Mistress Elsi wanted to use her muddy shoes to punish this loser and that is what she did. The mistress did not like the idea of letting a guy mess with her and so she used her muddy shoes to teach the guy a lesson she was sure he would not forget any time soon. That is how the loser knew never to piss her off again because he knew of the attendant consequences.

Mistress Cucciolo was angry at this slave because she had been disobedient to her. She waited until she had time to punish her and she took her to a muddy place and she had fun dragging her through the mud. Then she spat on her before she forced her to lick mud off her shoes. When she was done, she warned her never to disobey her again unless she wanted a repeat of the same.

Mistress Alice had an assistant who took things so casually when they were very serious and this mistress did not want it to go on as he was going to cause a lot of problems. So she had to act so that he stopped being casual about everything. She used her muddy shoes to do it and besides trampling him, she also made him lick them clean. He was never casual about anything again.

Mistress Gaia and her friend had invested in a farm and hired farmhands to tend to their crops. But the farmhands did not do what they were supposed to do and the mistresses were pissed off as that meant that they would not have a bumper harvest. That would be money thrown down the drain. As it was not too late to rectify the mistakes, the mistresses used muddy boots to trample the farmhands to make them do their job.

Mistress Natasha did not want to deal with this slave in any way and that is why she chose to sent him away. She fired him but before she did so, the mistress had the slave lick her muddy boots. He was shocked at what she made him do but she did not care. When he was done, he was shown the door and he left disgraced. She went in search of a new one.

Mistress Krush and mistress Tiffany had no time to waste as they interrogated this slave. He had to learn to do things their way and to answer them as quickly as they wanted. And it was after he was given a taste of their muddy shoes that he changed and he did things the way they wanted. He gave them more info than they wanted from him because he did not want to be dominated again.

Mistress Alice had an emergency and she needed a lot of money. She did not want to borrow money when this guy had her money. So she took him to the woods and she forced him to give her the money that she wanted from him. The mistress shocked him by forcing him to lick her muddy shoes and also trampling him cruelly. He gave her the money that day.

Mistress Zora found out that her slave was not easy to tell something as he did not listen. She had to teach him to listen and to take instructions. So the mistress did this by forcing him to lick her muddy shoes. He was humiliated and dominated but he learned his lesson the hard way and he did what she asked him to. He never messed again as he knew what would happen.

Lady Scarlet and lady Selly did not like how this guy tried to make them conform to his standards yet he was merely their neighbor. They told him to mind his business but he did not seem like he wanted to. So the mistresses saw it fit to torture him a little and they used their muddy boots to do it. He had to lick them clean and he never bothered them again.

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