Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

All articles tagged with "Licking Girls Feet"

Mistress Aurora does not like sitting behind a desk all day to make money. She decided she had to make a living out of what she loved and what she loved is being a sadist. She loved making others miserable so she curved out a niche for herself whereby she was paid to punish and humiliate people. And today she was paid to make this girl lick mud from her boots.

This guy managed to date both mistress Alisa and mistress Diana for months before any of them suspected there was something going on. But today they found out and instead of fighting each other, they had to punish him. He had to lick their muddy shoes and he had to walk on all fours like an animal before they made him chew some grass. He regretted what he had done but it was too late.

Mistress Nicole, mistress Selena and mistress Mia wanted to punish this guy but they felt that they wanted to handle it in a different manner. The mistresses used their muddy shoes to do the punishing. They just dangled their boots and the slave had to lick the mud off the boots. He thought they were joking but he was shocked to find out that they were very serious about it.

These mistresses were ready to lose their jobs but they had to make sure their boss learned his lesson. He was a bad boss and he picked on them. They wanted to make him realize that they would not tolerate it anymore so they lured him to the woods where he was forced to lick their sneakers and to endure painful trampling from the mistresses. He became afraid of them and did not victimize them.

This farmhand was lazy and did not tend to mistress Valeria and mistress Nicole's farm as well as he was paid to. So the mistress went to the farm unannounced and they realized the extent of his incompetence. They were so pissed that they used their muddy shoes to trample him and punish him. He had to lick them clean before they spat on him and kicked him as hard as they could.

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