Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

All articles tagged with "Licking Girls Feet"

This mistress did not like how wild this guy was. She had asked him to tone down but he did not want to do so. She was so pissed off at him and she felt that it would be easier for her if she used her muddy shoes to dominate as well as to degrade him. That is why she did what she had to do and why it all worked out the way she wanted.

Goddess Gabriella needed to dominate this guy and she did so using her mud femdom. It was super fun for her and she had a memorable time doing it all. By the time she was done trampling him and making him lick her feet, she had had a great time at his expense and she did not care what he felt. He realized that and he was scared shitless as a result.

Mistress Jane and mistress Betty realized that this girl was the one who was snitching on them. They did not like that and had to do something about it. The girl had to be punished and she was painfully. She had to feel their wrath and the mistresses chose to use their muddy shoes to punish her. She was naked while they trampled her and they had her lick the muddy shoes clean.

Mistress Alisa did not like what these girls did and she had to find a way to deal with them. She had to make sure that the girls would not mess up and that is why she went out of her to do what she had done. It was something they did not expect but had no choice but to accept. The mistress ensured that all her instructions were adhered o and that is how they licked her muddy boots clean.

Mistress Jane does not like to repeat herself. When she decides on something, she does not look back. That is what she wanted to be done today and she turned her slave girl into a mud licker. She took the slave to the toilet and not only made her lick the toilet bowl, but she had to also lick her mud and her muddy feet too. She learned her lesson the hard way.

Mistress Nicole wanted this girl to know that she was not the kind of girl who was messed with and let things slide. She punished the girl like she deserved to be and she crushed her face into mud for fun. The girl did not expect that kind of punishment and treatment and the plan she had to fight back evaporated as she did not know what else the mistress was capable of.

This guy was habitually late and mistress Alsu and mistress Tequila were fed up with it so they had to teach him a lesson. The mistress used her boots to trample and dominate him so as to teach him a lesson they were sure he would not forget in a hurry. So the mistresses trampled him and they made sure he licked their soles until they were as clean as the mistresses wanted.

Mistress Aurora does not like sitting behind a desk all day to make money. She decided she had to make a living out of what she loved and what she loved is being a sadist. She loved making others miserable so she curved out a niche for herself whereby she was paid to punish and humiliate people. And today she was paid to make this girl lick mud from her boots.

This guy managed to date both mistress Alisa and mistress Diana for months before any of them suspected there was something going on. But today they found out and instead of fighting each other, they had to punish him. He had to lick their muddy shoes and he had to walk on all fours like an animal before they made him chew some grass. He regretted what he had done but it was too late.

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