Muddy Shoes

Dommes show off their muddy shoes

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Mistress Anfisa wanted this loser to get some sense in his head and that is why she used her muddy shoes to dominate and to torture him. She had a great time torturing him and she ignored how humiliating it was for him. He tried to beg her but she did not listen to him. She ignored him and made him lick the boots until they were as clean as if they had been washed.

Mistress Gaia wanted to put this guy's licking skills to the test and that is what she did. The mistress got him to lick her muddy shoes so that she could get an idea of how well he would do it if she happened to give him her pussy to lick. She then rated his skills and found out he was not as bad as she had feared he would be.

Lady B loves to send coded messages and today she did it using her muddy shoes. The mistress felt that it was important to trample him and also have him lick her shoes so that he feared her and that he also learned that she was not going to let him do whatever he wanted if she did not like it. After that punishment, they never had an issue as he knew what she was capable of.

Madame Marissa did not like how her slave liked to bitch. She felt that it was important for him to learn to do things the way she had instructed him and without any bitching of any sort. That is why she used muddy shoes to trample him and make sure he would never do it again. Since that time, they had an easy time together as he had known the price to pay for bitching.

Mistress Enola felt that this loser needed to be taught how to lick her boots. She could see that he was prone to making mistakes and she had to teach him how to behave. The mistress felt that the best way was to make sure that he knew what she was capable of doing to him so that he would try his best not to make any mistakes that would make her have to punish him.

Mistress Nikita felt that she needed to test her slave's pain endurance. She wanted to use that as a chance to pass time and to have fun at his expense. So she did not care what he felt. She was just doing it for fun. She used her boots which were muddy to do it and he was shocked that she could do that to him. He had to also lick them.

Mistress Michelle and her friends were angry at their slaves. So they took them to a stable where they made them lie down. They were stripped naked and forced to lie down. The mistresses horsed them and as they got dirty and muddy, the mistresses used their high heels to trample them. They did it because they were sure the heels were painful and would make them fear repeating their mistakes.

Mistress Natasha found out that her assistant had forgotten important documents back home instead of bringing them for their meeting which was the following day. They realized after they had checked into a hotel. She was so pissed at him that she made him lick her muddy shoes before making him find a way to get the documents because they were very important for the meeting they had traveled to have.

Madame Marissa caught her boyfriend cheating and she did not like it. She had to make sure that he learned his lesson the hard way. The mistress had to make sure he would never even think about it let alone do it again. So she used her muddy shoes to trample, stomp as well as crush him. He was in the pain of his life and he regretted what he had done.

Mistress Tiffany was exasperated because she felt like her slave did not understand her. Or if he understood her, he ignored her. The mistress wanted to punish him and make sure that he understood all she said and he acted on the what she told him. So she used her muddy shoes to do it. She forced him to lick the muddy boots and that served as a lesson to him.

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